Anglicky pod vedením rodilého mluvčího!

Ať už jste se rozhodli s angličtinou teprve začít nebo se jí věnujete již několikátým rokem a potřebujete jen vypilovat detaily, ať už vás ke studiu přiměla vlastní touha či nový zaměstnavatel, vězte, že nejsnadnější cestou k plynulé a gramaticky správné angličtině je výuka pod vedením rodilého mluvčího. V současné době učím na Gymnáziu ve Zlíně, Obchodní akademii Tomáše Bati ve Zlíně, na státní jazykové škole a vedu řadu soukromých kurzů. Chcete-li začít s angličtinou pod mým vedením, vyberte si telefonní číslo nebo email, kontaktujte mě a už zítra můžete mít první hodinu.

(PLEASE NOTE...Sadly due to factors beyond our control we have had to close the MeTooClub.There are no plans at present to restart the club.We would like to thank everyone for their participation and we hope to set up MeTooClub events sometime in the near future)

Me Too Club is a facility, purpose built, for the teaching of English using a relaxed and amusing way. Me Too Club uses the TPR method (Total Physical Response). This method was introduced by James Asher J., PhD. in 70th last century. The principle of this method is to use the natural idea used by nurses at work with very small kids. Communication runs throughout our bodies – it uses not only speech, but also the total response of the physical and emotional .Children may choose to be quiet and use that time to absorb information until such time that they are ready to speaks. Regularly working with them and and a positive approach is needed.


Our unique , original curricula provides children the opportunity to build up their confidence and express their individuality by participating in the comprehensive ,creative ,emotionally and intellectually stimulating programs in English as well as a feeling of solidarity and social empathy.




Charles Burton

+420 733 525 677


Nanobodiix by Charlesbfit

Nanobodiix by Charlesbfit


WHY NANOBODIX by Charlesbfit ?
 We have a wide range of lesuire/sportwear  and we also offer our made to measure service,including your own logos and designs  .
How Does It Work?
Body odour is caused by the bacteria on your skin breaking down proteins in your sweat. Sweat in itself does not smell unpleasant.
The key is to stop bacteria from growing and that's where Nanospol technology comes in. When bacteria can't start, then body odour does not develop. Nanospol does not allow bacteria to grow. It doesn't mask it, it doesn't hide it, it doesn't inhibit it. It completely doesn't allow it to grow.
Silver is natures best antimicrobial agent. Introducing trace quatities of silver ions will totally inhibit the growth of all microbes. Not just those that are responsible for body odour but also bacteria causing illness or disease
They are durable , well made and ​​produced in accordance with the Eco-label guidelines.
 We can also produce items made to measure  ,and we guarentee our stringent quality control standards  .
Order direct from Fitnesscat / Charles Burton 


